With all due respect to Fujoshi and
Fundashi with fetishes that can never change, but not all
Seme need to be big shouldered with big muscles and even bigger voices. They
don't have to be stern or angry or overtly pushy. I know Iason Mink
is not all of these things. I'll leave him out of the mix for this
argument, so more of you may listen to what I am proposing. More and
more mangaka and novelists are realizing this and crafting characters
that are so complex and subtle that it is hard to spot the Seme in
the room. Conversely, the uke are no longer all timid and quivering. This
is very refreshing, and to me a far more interesting read. Who wants
to read what is the same story over and over again? It also never
made sense to me why such strong and uncompromising characters would
be interested in the timid and weak willed. This sort of attraction
always smacked of Seme that aren't really the incredible lovers they
were purported to be. One might argue – and more than one has –
that these Seme are being protective. If that is the case, what IS up
with the raping and over all physical abuse? That's real protective.
And it's real manly of someone who is often twice as big as the uke.
And no, that horse will never be too dead for me to stop beating.
Where was I? Ah, yes. With all these
changes, how do you spot the Seme in a manga or anime? It's still
easy enough. It's all in the personality. A Seme is a catalyst for
significant action in a story. He's doing stuff, and usually that
stuff is ahead of the curb of everyone else. He has irresistible
charisma or force of personality that gets even the hesitant to do
his bidding. That is NOT the same as being able to bully someone into
obeying. This is the ability to make what they want to do so
compelling that everyone – not just the uke – feels they must to
it. They are self possessed in general. This can manifest itself in a
couple of ways. Either the Seme is supremely confident of their
personal abilities or they know what they want from life. Sometimes,
it's both. The main thing is that the Seme brings order to a uke's
life as well as love. Sometimes that is actual protection in some
fashion and other times it's personal fulfillment. To bring this kind
of order, a Seme MUST have control of himself as a person. Also, a
Seme doesn't have to be the one always pitching sexually. He's brave
enough to know what he wants and have it.
And it's time to play 'Whose Your
Seme?' Some of these shows are yaoi, some of them have tons of shipping or fans creating doujinshi. Let's begin with fans
webcomic. Everyone and her uncle thinks that Cain is the Seme because
of his rambunctious greeting of Abel early in the story. He certainly
seemed to be have his way with Abel whenever he felt like it. But
Cain does not have enough self-possession to be a Seme. He can barely
keep himself in check enough to keep from fighting his fellow gunners
at the drop of a hat. Meanwhile, since their first mission together,
it's becoming more and more clear which one of this pair has more
self control and more control over the relationship. Abel kept Cain
from starting a fight with some snots that really needed a punch in
the face and then there is this line during the last mission: I'm not
going to let them hurt you. Given what they were facing, that's a
pretty badassed Seme line to me!

Finally, I think these changes to Seme
are wonderful, because it has caused the rise of the Dangerous uke.
The uke of Tightrope and Ikoku Irokoi Romantan and Tyrant Who Fall in
Love could not have existed if these tropes had not changed. That
kind of change is truly a beautiful thing. Observe: